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The truth is, most running info is repetitive. So to make your life easy, since 2012, I’ve been watching, talking to experts and experimenting on myself so you don’t have to make the same mistakes as me.

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Twice a month (ish), I’ll brain dump and digitally send you solutions that range from updates on my training to inspirational tips and unique ideas to tricks, tools, tactics, and skills from run coaching experts and health care professionals.

All in a super bite-sized gel with 100mg of caffeine to save you time because the health and fitness world is sometimes complicated and complex.

And… they all revolve around being a better human in endurance sports, your career, relationships and even life!

Always in a fun and informative package.

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Yes, I know it’s technically free, but value is when something is exchanged for something else.

If you want to keep getting this newsletter for free, as a gentleman’s agreement and ladies’ understanding, you have to share it with your friends. The more people who know about the DLake Runs Newsletter, the more time I can spend writing and curating the best content.

Subscribe to The 1% Better Runner | DLake Runs

My goal is to explain technical running science terms in plain ol’ English. Give you actionable tasks to help you perform 1% better in your daily running life. Make you lightly LULZ at times Sign up for free below 👇


I show smart runners how to perform 1% better in life, twice-a-month ish.